譚崇憲先生祖籍江西萍鄉。1948年在戰亂中流經漢口時生於揚子江上,隨後在襁褓中隨父母遷台,在台中市眷村長大。高中畢業後,譚崇憲考入淡江大學歷史系北上念書,但因為醉心藝術,一年後考入國立藝專 (今國立藝術大學),於1971年畢業。
Tan Chung Hsiang's family originates from the city of Pinxiang in Jiangxi province, but he was born on the Yangtze River near Hankou, while his family was fleeing by boat during the war in 1948. They came to settle in Taiwan that same year. Tan spent his childhood in Taichung, a central city in Taiwan. After high school, he entered Tamkang University in Taipei County to major in history, but his true passion was art, so he took the collage entrance exam again a year later and entered The National Taiwan Academy of Arts. He graduated in 1971.
Tan worked mostly with oil paint during his earlier period. His first solo exhibition was in 1985 at the Celebrity Gallery in Taipei, then again in 1992 at the Heritage Gallery. After the millennium, Tan was newly inspired by many of the Chinese paintings. He and Mrs. Tan collected numerous artworks from well known modern Chinese masters such as Pu Xinyu and Lin Fengmian. While studying these works of Chinese masters, Tan refined his traditional techniques of Chinese paintings and incorporated his western art training to create a fine balance between eastern and western art expressions that has come to define his unique personal style. In 2012, an in-depth solo exhibition of his paintings was mounted in the De-Ming Gallery of The National Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall.
Whether in western oil or Chinese ink, Tan's paintings embody the bold use of colors and exude humble grace. His love of nature is a recurrent theme and inspirations, as reflected in the earlier oil painting The Great Nature, based on the concept of nature's perpetual cycle, as well in the more recent ambitious large ink landscape. In the introduction for Tan Chung Hsiang's 1992 exhibition catalogue, Dr. Huang Kuang-Nan, Director of Taipei Fine Art Museum from 1986-1995, wrote "... we can see in Tan's works full of oriental mystery and strong rhythm, that which excites our feelings. After all, painting is not only to paint the natural or the substance, but more importantly, to breath life in each work."
Painting has become a consistent everyday practice in Tan Chung Hsiang's life for the past four decades. With firm conviction and strong resolve, Tan believes in the constant challenge to find his personal expression in art.